Notice of Dividends
(Company Number 02287945 )
Registered office: 81 Station Road, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1NS
Notice is hereby given that we, Frank Wessely (IP No 007788) and Peter James Hughes-Holland (IP No 001700) Licensed Insolvency Practitioners both of RSM Tenon Recovery, 81 Station Road, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1NS were appointed Joint Liquidators of the above named Company on 10 July 2009. All debts and claims by creditors should be sent to me at my address above.
All creditors who have not already done so are invited to prove their debts in writing to me. No further public advertisement or invitation to prove debts will be given. The last date for submitting your proof of debt is 23 April 2012.
The Joint Liquidators intend to make a Final Distribution to unsecured creditors within two months of the last date of proving.
Alternative contact: Sushil Patel, Email:, Tel: 01628 478 100.
Frank Wessely, Joint Liquidator
30 March 2012