Meetings of Creditors

Insolvency Act 1986B946NWCV81NP-1.65105952.353135CV8 1NPB946NWThe Borough of SolihullThe District of Warwick2012-05-112012-05-252012-05-16-1.77951452.358937B94 6NWTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the High Court of Justice

Birmingham District Registry No 8153 of 2011


(Company Number 07189760 )

Notice is hereby given by Richard Paul Rendle, R P Rendle & Co Limited, No 9 Hockley Court, Hockley Heath, Solihull B94 6NW that a Meeting of the Creditors of T I Merchandising Limited, whose Registered Office is situated at c/o R P Rendle & Co Limited, No 9 Hockley Court, Hockley Heath, Solihull B94 6NW, is to be held at Brook Honiley Court Hotel, Honiley, Warwick, Warwickshire CV8 1NP, on 25 May 2012 at 10.00 am . The Meeting is an initial Creditors’ Meeting under Legislation: paragraph 51 of Schedule B1 to the Legislation section: Insolvency Act 1986 (“the Schedule”). I invite you to attend the above Meeting. A proxy form is available which should be completed and returned to me by the date of the Meeting if you cannot attend and wish to be represented. In order to be entitled to vote under Legislation section: Rule 2.38 at the Meeting you must give to me, not later than 12.00 noon on the business day before the day fixed for the Meeting, details in writing of your claim.

Office holder capacity: Administrator

11 May 2012