Next of Kin
Jenny Westgarth
Would any person who may be next of kin to Jenny Westgarth who was born on 25 November 1926 whose last known address was Springbank Care Home, Tendring CO16 0BX and died there on 13 February 2009 and previously lived at 1 Queen’s Road, Colchester CO3 3NP, please contact the under mentioned in writing as soon as possible.
If no person comes forward on or before 28 February 2013 to establish the relevant next of kin/s then any monies that form part of the deceased estate in the possession of Essex County Council will be forwarded to the Bona Vacantia at the Treasury Solicitor’s Office (BV), One Kemble Street, London WC2B 4TS.
All communications about this matter should be sent to Karen Bellamy, Essex County Council, County Hall, Market Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1QH, (01245 431146).