Appointment of Administrators

The District of Blaby2013-02-042013-02-11-1.19050052.595397LE19 1SDLE191SDLE191SDTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division

Birmingham High Court No 8042 of 2013


(Company Number 06466362 )

Other Names of Company: Yellowhammer Bars

Nature of Business: Bars and Nightclubs

Previous Name of Company: Sports Café 2008 (Operations) Limited

Registered office: C/o RSM Tenon, Rivermead House, 7 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, LE19 1SD

Principal trading address: Various

Date of Appointment: 04 February 2013

Patrick B Ellward and Dilip K Dattani (IP Nos 8702 and 7915 ), both of RSM Tenon Recovery, Rivermead House, 7 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 1SD Further details contact: Patrick B Ellward and Dilip K Dattani, Tel: +44 (0) 116 282 0550. Alternative contact: Paul Milton, Email: Tel: 0116 282 0555