Appointment of Administrative Receivers

WA94YRThe City of ManchesterThe Borough of St HelensM33WR-2.24790253.479814M3 3WRThe City of Salford-2.27435753.481231M5 4LP-2.74377753.417549WA9 4YR2013-10-232000-03-102013-11-21M54LPTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 00257258 )

Nature of Business: manufacture of fire fighting equipment

Registered office: Unit 6 Harrier Court, Eurolink Business Park, Lea Green, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4YR

Principal trading address: 100 Liverpool Street, Salford, Lancashire, M5 4LP

By whom Appointed: Holmedge Company Limited under the powers in a debenture dated 10 March 2000 that created fixed and floating charges over all assets, undertakings and property of the company. The whole of the assets including property, Plant & Machinery, debts, stocks, shares, goodwill, patents, trade marks and a floating charge over all assets.

Date of Appointment: 23 October 2013

Jeremy Paul Oddie (IP Number: 8918 ), Paul Anthony Palmer (IP Number: 9657 ) and Julie Beavis (IP Number: 9510 ), all of Mitchell Charlesworth, Centurion House, 129 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3WR

Additional contact: Telephone: 0161 817 6100 Alternative Contact: Nuaman Shaker